About Us
Founded in 1982, Master Engineers and Designers, Inc. has been successfully serving clients for over 40 years.
In 2004 we converted to an ESOP, led by a three-member Board of Directors. As 100% Employee-Owned, all of our associates are personally invested in the success of Master Engineers and the success and satisfaction of our clients. We are registered as a Micro Business in Virginia and Small Business under federal guidelines on www.SAM.gov.
Our professionals are skilled in providing engineering leadership through each step of a project from planning and scheduling, design, construction, startup, and operations.
A Snapshot of our Services
Building Design
Full Project Services
Studies and Evaluations
Failure Analysis
Building/System Condition Surveys
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Electrical generation and distribution
Equipment Vibrations
Fire alarm and security
Fire suppression
Central Utility systems
Emergency Power
Load Ratings
Engineer's Creed
As a Professional Engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare.
I pledge:
To give the utmost of performance;
To participate in none but honest enterprise;
To live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct;
To place service before profit, the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare above all other considerations.
In humility and with need for Divine Guidance, I make this pledge.
(Adopted by the National Society of Professional Engineers, June 1954)